Unique_Title_Investigations - Number of unique eBook titles investigated in a user session. Examples of “Titles” are whole eBooks or chapters of eBooks. Any eBook can only be counted once in a single session.
Note from COUNTER: The Unique_Title_Requests provides comparable usage across book platforms. The Total_Item_Requests shows overall activity; however, numbers between sites will vary significantly based on how the content is delivered (e.g. if a vendor offers chapters only (JSTOR, etc), the total item requests will be higher at the title level then say a vendor who only offers full ebooks).
Stats are from 09/01/2021 - 05/31/2022
The data here is found in the Title Master Reports.
The default view of the graph above contains all six of the metrics defined below for each title, with the total displayed at the end of each title's bar.
For a count that only includes downloads of ebook chapters or whole books, we recommend using the "Measure Names" filter to the right to limit the view to "Total Title Requests" or to "Unique Title Requests" only.
Since a specific item may be downloaded more than once by a single user of by various users, the "Total" number of requests will be equal to or higher than the "Unique" request count, which only counts a specific item once and not each time it is downloaded.
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