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For Librarians

January 7, 2020


CUG met January 7, 2020 at the Felix Fraga Campus as a breakout session at the HCC Library In-Service Day
Nora Martinez, Raul Martinez, Tiffney Francis, Patty Runchey, Wandervaal Perry, Mira Washington, Jerry Cardenas, Gail Faulk, Maxine Collins, Kathie Shaw, Sheila Gary, Felicia Turner, Theresa Rivera, Becky Patterson, Erica Hubbard (part of the meeting), Chan Khuong, Mori Sanchez, Lea Weatherall, Letty Perez, Javier Perez, Patti Bellows.
  • We had several new members present for introductions.
Business Discussions
  1. Automatic renewals

    Angela brought up the discussion of automatic renewals at Mira’s request. These renewals occur when the courtesy notices are sent out. In lieu of making a recommendation to council at this time we decided instead that Angela would gather data to see how long Chromebooks are actually kept by the students. This would either support or allay concerns that students would keep the Chromebooks longer if the 2 renewals occurred automatically and will allow real data to inform our decision. She will report back at the next meeting and at that time we will determine a recommendation.

    During this discussion we also considered other options, such as semester-long renewals, and the issue of students being required to return a Chromebook because they were due just as they needed the device for assignments.

    We decided to recommend to Library Council that we take a recommendation forward to the Board of Trustees that we levy fines on overdue devices and possibly even that we collect a deposit at checkout.

  2. Angela explained the process for becoming authorized for service indicators in response to a question. The new process is: 1) Complete the Utrain module. 2) The director approves the authorization. 3) IT completes the authorization.
  3. Training Modules

    Angela will be developing online training modules. She asked the group which ones they would like to see first. TexShare, Create List, and withdrawal lists were suggested.

  4. Chromebook requests – one title record or status quo?

    The group decided to simplify Chromebook requests by moving both models to a single bib record for each library. Angela will do this before classes start. She will add the model number to the item records.

  5. Several other Chromebook issues arose during this discussion.
    • Mira and Felicia reminded everyone to charge the Chromebooks before classes start and to make sure that the locked devices had updated and unlocked successfully.
    • We briefly discussed the semi-automatic holds processes. If you notice that a service indicator should have been placed but was not, please notify Angela. Please keep in mind that it could have been placed and then removed. You all must track service indicators that you remove so that they can be replaced.
  6. We played Library Lingo BINGO to the absolute last hilarious “O”. Angela owes everyone a candy bar.

Respectfully submitted by Angela Secrest

May 24, 2019


May 24, 2019
West Loop Campus
  1. Paging slips
    Angela described the process for retrieving paging slips when you miss a printout. (Followup: this procedure has been posted to the Training guide_

    We discussed alternatives to faxing. In order to do online faxing all libraries should have an email address accessible by several employees. Angela reminded staff that they have a library Gmail address, but we all agreed that we need the same email address to be available in HCC email. (Followup: Since the meeting Council has discovered that libraries already have email address created for LibAnswers. Library directors are to request their own library email addresses as needed. These will then be posted on the library web pages.)
  2. Records Management
    We briefly discussed records management procedures. Angela suggested that convenience copies could be sent to her area until disposal bins are available in the libraries, but Mick suggested instead that the college disposal bins be utilized for this purpose instead.
  3. Service Indicators
    Angela reminded the group that when service indicators are removed in order to allow students to register, circulation assistants must track those service indicators and put them back on. LSS has no way of catching old overdues in order to replace the service indicators.
  4. Chromebook (and other) renewals
    Angela reminded the group that Chromebooks should only be renewed twice.
  5. Training
    We distributed the updated Skills Inventory for 2019 as a handout. This handout is available on the training guide.
  6. Accessibilty guide
    Angela briefly discussed the HCC accessibility initiatives and the importance of ensuring that all documents and web pages must be accessible and responsive. She also presented a brief demo of the Accessibility Guide.
  7. Dr. Becky Hauri : Serving students with disabilities
    Dr. Hauri gave a presentation on customer service to students with disabilities. She answered questions and offered suggestions. Her presentation focused on some of the unseen disabilities and the issues involved in providing services to persons with invisible disabilities.
  8. Chromebook Best Practices
    Mira distributed handouts on Chromebook best practices and on Summer storage. She emphasized the importance of keeping the Chromebooks charged so that they would update automatically and pick up the WIFI more easily.
  9. New Procedures
    Mick engage the group in a discussion of the new policy requiring that student pay for lost and stolen Chromebook except in extreme cases like Hurricane Harvey.

    (Followup: Sgt. Moore sent Angela a demand letter that is now being used by Asset Management and Business Services in an effort to recover HCC items that have not been returned. This demand letter was created with General Counsel and might be a good example of one that we could use. The one we used previously was created by one of our attorneys.)
  10. Open Floor, Q & A
    Responding to a question about our next meeting, Mick committed to convening CUG once each long semester during the interim.

    Unfortunately I was so busy fielding questions that I did not take notes. Your help with the remainder of this section is much appreciated!

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