Angela brought up the discussion of automatic renewals at Mira’s request. These renewals occur when the courtesy notices are sent out. In lieu of making a recommendation to council at this time we decided instead that Angela would gather data to see how long Chromebooks are actually kept by the students. This would either support or allay concerns that students would keep the Chromebooks longer if the 2 renewals occurred automatically and will allow real data to inform our decision. She will report back at the next meeting and at that time we will determine a recommendation.
During this discussion we also considered other options, such as semester-long renewals, and the issue of students being required to return a Chromebook because they were due just as they needed the device for assignments.
We decided to recommend to Library Council that we take a recommendation forward to the Board of Trustees that we levy fines on overdue devices and possibly even that we collect a deposit at checkout.
Angela will be developing online training modules. She asked the group which ones they would like to see first. TexShare, Create List, and withdrawal lists were suggested.
The group decided to simplify Chromebook requests by moving both models to a single bib record for each library. Angela will do this before classes start. She will add the model number to the item records.
Respectfully submitted by Angela Secrest
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