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Central Library

Library spaces

Study Rooms
Small Group Study Room

Study rooms may be reserved for up to 2 hours.  The room can be reserved by HCC students or students from affiliated institutions. The room is reserved on a first come, first served basis on the day of the reservation. No advanced reservations. Central library requires current ID for access to this space. 

Electronic classroom

If your group is larger than 8, you may be eligible to reserve our group classroom if there are no prior reservations from HCC faculty. This room is reserved for a maximum of 2 hours, on a first come, first served basis on the day of the reservation. No advanced reservations. Central library requires current ID for access to this space. 

Studio space
Large group study room

This is a BYO studio set-up and we provide tripods, a green screen, lights, microphone podium, lectern, chairs, table and desktop PC and a web camera. This room is reserved on a first come, first served basis on the day of the reservation. No advanced reservations. Central library requires current ID for access to this space. 


Today's Hours


1300 Holman St.
Houston, TX 77004
Circulation: 713-718-6133
Reference: 713-718-6141

©2022 Houston Community College Libraries