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ELS, Catalog, or Database?

You have several choices when it comes to online discovery, so how do you choose the best option? This comparison will help.

Eagle Library Search, Catalog, or Database Lists?

You have several choices when it comes to online discovery, so how do you choose the best option? Maybe this comparison will help.

  Eagle Library Search  Library Catalog  Database List
When you aren't sure where to startYou are looking for books, media, journals, but not articlesBest if you already know the best database for your assignment
Search over 100 databases, the HCC Library Catalog, open access resources, and HCC information at onceSearch only the library catalogSearch one database at a time
Most types of sources.There are no articles here, but lots of books, media, and journalsSelect from the full range of available resources
Searches all sources at once and displays by relevancePhysical items are arranged on library shelves by call number (subject area)Organized many different ways: alphabetically, subject, format, reference, etc.
Simple search with big results that can be narrowed by limiters and facets.Many search indexes to choose from, or try your own search termsFull range of search options available for each database
Can be used for an overview or for in-depth researchBest for books, media, journals, but never articlesWhen you already know the best database for your topic or information need
Easy to move between the catalog and other resultsEasy to move around search resultEasy to move within the database

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