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Humanities & Interdisciplinary Studies: Relevant Databases

This is a supporting LibGuide for HCC Students and Faculty in the Humanities and related Interdisciplinary subject areas, such as, Africana/African American Studies, Global Studies, Mexican-American/Latinx Studies, and Women & Gender Studies.

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Eagle Library Search (ELS)

Eagle Library Search, or ELS, is a discovery tool used to comb through many of our databases simultaneously rather than individually. It does a good job of casting a wide net, but cannot capture every item we own or may access. It's a great starting point, but we recommend that students also explore individual databases in their research journey. Students can always find the ELS box on the library's homepage.

Relevant HCC Library Databases for Humanities Research

This database list is not exhaustive, but it is relevant and reliable. Project Muse deserves special recognition for its excellence and relevance for the humanities.

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