The African American Student's Guide to STEM Careers by Robert T. Palmer; Alonzo T. FlowersISBN: 1610697359
Publication Date: 2016-12-05
This book comprehensively reviews the factors that facilitate access and success of Black students in STEM majors in higher education, and it shares compelling testimonies from Black STEM professionals that will help inspire the next generation of Black scientists and engineers. Most experts agree that America's success depends on having a workforce that is highly prepared in STEM areas. Unfortunately, students of color continue to be underrepresented in higher education, and specifically, in completing degrees and entering careers within the STEM fields. This book supports African American students (as well as all students) who are interested in STEM careers, providing information on the top colleges with STEM-related programs, particularly those that best support racially diverse students; practical advice for preparing for entrance into STEM programs; and inspirational stories of successful African Americans in STEM-related careers. Authored by three educators expert in the areas of academic development of African Americans and minorities, STEM, and higher education, The African American Student's Guide to STEM Careers focuses on preparing Black students for STEM from K-12 through graduate school. Readers will more fully appreciate the importance of STEM, recognize why more Black students need to be more actively engaged in these disciplines, and understand how to prepare Black students for success in STEM throughout the educational pipeline. * Addresses how African American students can plan and prepare for a career in STEM, choose a college and STEM program, pay for college, choose their major, continue to graduate school, and choose a career in STEM * Discusses the importance of Black students being more engaged in STEM and identifies ways to prepare them for success in the STEM fields from K-12 to graduate school * Highlights ways educators can formulate actionable plans to help increase the success of Black students in STEM * Presents personal testimonies from professionals in STEM that will inspire the next generation of Black scientists and engineers