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Library Chromebooks: Accessibility

Video: Accessibility Features

Chromebook Accessibility Features

Turn on Chromebook accessibility features
You can make your screen easier to see, have your screen read to you, or use Braille with your Chromebook by turning on accessibility features.
Turn on accessibility features
1.    Sign in to your Chromebook.
2.    Click the status area, where your account picture appears.
3.    Click Settings.
4.    In the "Accessibility" section, you can adjust the following:
•    Show accessibility options in the system menu: Adds the Accessibility menu item to your status area.
•    Show large mouse cursor: Makes the cursor bigger and easier to see.
•    Use high contrast mode: Makes text easier to read.
•    Turn on sticky keys: Holds down the ChromeVox keys so you don't have to press them first every time.
•    Turn on ChromeVox spoken feedback: Describes what is happening on the screen.
•    Turn on screen magnifier: Makes items on the screen bigger.
•    Turn on tap dragging: To move objects on the screen, tap and drag your finger.
•    Automatically click when the mouse pointer stops: Click without using your mouse.
•    Turn on on-screen keyboard: Shows a keyboard that can be clicked with a mouse (or tapped if you have a touch screen).

Use spoken feedback with ChromeVox
ChromeVox is your Chromebook's screen reader. To have screen behavior described to you or web pages read out loud, hold down the Shift and Search keys (or Windows key on an external keyboard), then press the arrow keys to highlight the area you'd like read to you.
For your security, your Chromebook will not say your password out loud when you sign in.
Turn spoken feedback on or off by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Z.

Use the on-screen keyboard
If your Chromebook has a touch screen, you can use the on-screen keyboard to type.
•    To use shortcuts with the keyboard, press the keys in sequence.
•    To switch between keeping the keyboard on the screen or hiding it, click the keyboard lock on the bottom right.
•    To type accented letters, touch and hold any key.

Connect to a Braille display
To use a refreshable Braille display, plug the display into a USB port on your Chromebook, then turn on spoken feedback by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Z.
Below, you'll find a list of Braille displays that work with your Chromebook.

List of Braille Displays for Chromebook

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