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Evaluating Sources: Databases

How to determine which sources to use for accurate, professor-approved information.


Databases allow you to access articles and other resources from many journals and publications at the same time. Unlike a Google search, it connects you directly to what your library has, and has a better chance of relevancy. It also allows you to filter your results to help you find what you need. In addition to peer-reviewed journals and articles, databases have many useful resources, like newspaper articles, topic reviews, videos, ebooks, and much more.

Remember: databases have more resources than peer-reviewed articles, so just because you get something from a database doesn't necessarily mean it's peer-reviewed. If your professor asks for peer-reviewed sources, always check!

Evaluating Media

HCC offers more than articles in databases. There's also streaming video, images, and other materials, not to mention what you may find in your own searches. Here are steps on evaluating media sources.

Searching for Peer-Reviewed Articles on Acacdemic Search Complete and Other EBSCO databases

Databases @HCC

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