Ultimaker 3 the most industrial-grade desktop 3D printer
Tinkercad Tinkercad is a free, online drafting program that is easy to use and requires no download. Account creation is required. There are many helpful tutorials that introduce 3D drafting to beginners.
Thingiverse Browse and download designs by other users and post your own creations! This site now allows customization for some of the 3D models on its site. Join the community and get inspired by projects created using 3D printing.
Ultimaker Visual Troubleshooting Guide: This detailed guide provides information for solving issues with prints, hardware and software when using Ultimaker printers. It can also help you diagnose issues on other models of 3D printers.
Prusa Guide to Fixing Common 3D Printing Issues: This illustrated guide can help you identify issues with your prints and how to fix them.
Proto-Pasta - This website sells specialty filament, such as glitter and metallic colors.
Micro Center - Browse online or in their Houston store located near HCC West Loop Campus.
Fry's Electronics - Online store and location in Houston.
Amazon - Online retailer carries various brands of filaments and supplies.
MatterHackers - Online community and retailer specializing in 3D Printer supplies. This site has a variety of Ultimaker replacement parts.
3D printing is an innovative technology that helps you create a prototype from a digital model. It started in the 80s under the name ‘rapid prototyping’ because the purpose of the technology was to prototype faster and cheaper. Today 3D printers offer amazing results and let you create anything you can imagine.
Procedures for Class Assignment Printing:
Eligibility: Currently enrolled HCC Students with proof of a valid class assignment where a 3D printed object is an acceptable final product
Appointment: Schedule an appointment, or stop by to meet with a 3D printer librarian to discuss your project. Librarian will preview the file in Cura, (slicing software) and evaluate the digital object. If the file is compliant with HCC policies, it will be exported and printed. All prints will be executed by the student under the supervision of HCC library staff during the library's regular hours of operation. Prints must be completed before closing.
Time Limit: We will print objects that are within 6 - 8 hours of time limit. We cannot print any object overnight. Students do not need to stay during the entire print session. Library staff may stop the print for any noticeable failure.
Accepted Files: Students are encouraged to arrive with an STL file prepared on a USB drive, but not sliced. Library staff will assist in the slicing process at the beginning of the appointment.
Filament: The library currently provides limited filament (PLA) in various colors. Students can bring their own filament but has to follow the 3D printing guidelines.
Cost: Printing costs will be waived until HCC Libraries finalize an agreement with Eagleprint or until further notice.
Priority: All items will be printed on a first come first serve basis, according to the reservations made through our booking system.
Pick Up: Prints must be picked up within 14 days of printing, and not within the first half hour or last half hour of the library's hours of operation.
Procedures for Personal Printing:
Due to high volume of the 3D printing done in Central library, we are asking students to bring their files for 3D printing for personal item at the later half of the Spring or Fall Semester.
Meet with a 3D printer librarian to discuss your project. Librarian will preview the file in Cura, and evaluate the digital object. If the file is compliant with HCC policies, it will be exported and printed. For personal items, the Central library will print objects that are between 6 - 8 grams.
Librarian will contact the students/faculty when the print job is ready. Items printed from the 3D printer must be picked up within 14 days.
Useful Resources:
Thingiverse Tutorial:
Tinkercad Tutoria: https://edutube.hccs.edu/media/0_epiw7k0w
3D Printing & HCC Libraries: https://edutube.hccs.edu/media/3D+Printing+and+HCC+Libraries/1_tyeukpu7
Rumela Bose (Librarian); rumela.bose@hccs.edu
©2022 Houston Community College Libraries