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Research & Writing

Tip Sheets

Library And Research "Terms of Art"


Brief summary of a book or an article.


A note or comment about a text, usually critical or explanatory.


The person(s) who wrote the book, article, etc. One who writes or creates something.


A list of sources such as books and articles, used for a report or research paper.


An account of a person's life written by another person.

Boolean Operators

The connectors and, or, and not, used when searching on computerized indexes such ad ProQuest or InfoTrac.

Call Number

Group of letters and numbers on the back of a book which indicates the classification of material and where the book is located on the shelves.


A file of items (books, films, videotapes, computer software) available to you through the HCCS libraries.

CD ROM (Computer disc read only memory)

Contains information on a compact disk. This data is accessed through a computer.


An organized collection of information , used for research. Usually refers to searching with a computer.


Word or words, in a list (usually alphabetical such as in a library catalog or an index) which give access to information. For example the Catalog contains author, title and subject entries.


A library's collection of books, periodicals and media.


Listing, usually arranged alphabetically, of the contents of a book or journal. A periodical index lists the contents of journals and magazines, thus providing subject access.


A periodical or magazine which contains scholarly articles usually on one subject and issued by a professional group or organization.

Library of Congress Classification System

A classification system using letters of the alphabet for organizing collections. Used by most colleges and universities.


A periodical for general reading containing articles on various subjects by different authors. See also "Periodical".


Materials or items that are in a variety of formats other than in print, ie. film, video, audio cassette, slides, etc. Also called Audio Visuals.


A flat sheet of photographic film containing micro images of printed or graphic materials.


A roll of photographic film containing micro images of printed or graphic material.

Micro Reader/Printer

A machine that magnifies the micro image. The printer can also make a paper copy of that image.


The firm or corporation responsible for the manufacture and distribution of materials to the public.

Reference Collection

A collection of books, special resources and other materials used in searching for information and useful for supplying authoritative information or identifying sources. Reference books are usually consulted rather than read through. Generally these materials are not allowed to be checked out.

Reference Librarian

The person(s) responsible for assisting users in finding information/resources in the library.

Reference Question

Any request by a library user for information or assistance in locating information.


Books or other materials that are kept at the circulation desk, so as to assure greater availability to an entire class. Many reserve materials have been put at the reserve desk by instructors for use by students in specific classes and usually cannot be checked out of the library.


A series of shelves arranged in rows that hold most of the library's collection of books and/or materials.

Subject Heading

A word or group of words that designates a particular area of interest to the library user under which all material dealing with a given subject is entered in an index, library catalog or bibliography.

The distinguishing name of a book, magazine, article, or other item.

Vertical File

Pamphlets, newspaper and magazine clippings, and other material kept in folders and arranged alphabetically by subject. Ask the librarian for the location of this file and assistance in accessing the materials.

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