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Physical Education: Topics

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The links on this page are organized by Library of Congress classification.  This classification system organizes library materials by subject and keeps materials on the same subject together on the shelves and in your search results. These links search the HCC Library catalog for all items on that particular topic whether they are physical items or digital.

You may browser forward and backward through a larger range of subjects from most of these links. To narrow your search you may use the Modify Search button at the top of the list. You may also redo your search using only the single call number listed on these pages.

Physical Education

  • GV201‑555 -- Physical education and training
  • GV346‑351.5 -- School and college athletics. Intramural
  • GV401‑433 -- Physical education facilities. Sports facilities
  • GV435‑436.7 -- Physical measurements. Physical tests, etc.
  • GV450‑451.4 -- Nudism. Sunbathing
  • GV460‑555 -- Gymnastics. Gymnastic exercises


  • QP1-345 -- Physiology
  • QP301 -- Musular skeleton system. Movement. Physiology.
  • QP303 -- Mechanics. Kinesliogy.
  • QP351-495 -- Neurophysiology and neuropsychology
  • QP501-801 -- Animal biochemistry
  • QP901-981 -- Experimental pharmacology

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