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Anthropology: Articles and Ebooks Used in Courses


The articles below are commonly assigned in HCC's ANTH courses. Links may go to open websites on the World Wide Web or to HCC's subscription databases. Database access will require login with the HCC student W# and password in order to access the article. In most cases, articles are found in PDF format and can be downloaded and/pr printed. Electronic reserves (ereserves) are accessed with name and library barcode#. More information about library barcode numbers may be found here.


The ebooks below are commonly assigned in HCC's ANTH courses. Access will generally require login with the HCC student W# and password. In most cases, a limited number of pages can be downloaded and/pr printed in an individual viewing session. Access to any ebook is generally limited to one user at a time. If you experience a message indicating that an ebook is currently in use and may not be accessed, we recommend waiting and trying again at a later time.

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