Welcome to our page of links to videos commonly used in HCC's Anthropology courses. For off-campus viewing of subscription resources, you will be asked to login with your HCC W# and password. Links to non-HCC sources such as YouTube, Vimeo, and Daily Motion may be temporary.
The films linked below are available in HCC's subscription video databases and can be streamed online. You will need to login if off-campus with your HCC student W# and password in order to view them.
If you experience issues with these links, we recommend using a private browsing window (CTRL-SHIFT-N on Windows) or clearing your browser cache. You may also need to disable content blocking software if you use Safari.
There are many other films used in HCC's ANTH courses that may be found on the open World Wide Web on sites like YouTube, Vimeo, and several others. Links on these sites may be temporary or may change and, if the presence of the video has been found to be in violation of copyright laws, it may be removed by order of the rights owner.
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