Three dimensional (3D) printing is an innovative technology that helps students create a prototype from a digital model. Three dimensional printing started in the 1980’s under the name ‘rapid prototyping’ because the purpose of the technology was to prototype faster and cheaper. Today 3D printers offer amazing results and provides a platform that allows students to create anything imaginable.
For more information, contact:
Rumela Bose (Public Service Librarian);, 713-718-6136
Student Acceptable Use Policy: 3D Printing at HCC Central Library
HCC Central Library & SLAC desires to offer HCC students access to emerging technologies such as a 3D printer to inspire interest in design and help students bring their creations to life. This policy establishes the guidelines for use of 3D printer technology available at HCC Central Library.
Current HCC students are entitled to submit print requests. The library is able to provide 3D print jobs for class assignments provided the print job is no longer than 8 hours and does not weigh over 100 grams.
All prints will be executed by HCC library staff or SLAC during their regular hours of operation.
Printing Priority:
All items will be printed on a first come first serve basis, with the exception of items being printed for academic reasons (relating to a class) which will be given priority over recreational prints. In times of higher demand, HCC Library Staff may limit the number of prints to one (1) per day per person or group.
Printing Costs:
Students can print 1 personal item but the item must not take longer than 15 minutes - 1hour to print and has to be under 10 grams for free. Printing costs for small print jobs will be waived until HCC Libraries finalizes an agreement with Eagleprint. Students are encourage to bring their own filament for larger print jobs.
In providing 3D printing services, HCC Central Library & SLAC disclaims any warranties, express or implied, including the warranty of merchantability and warranty of fitness of a particular purpose, for the printing services themselves and any resulting tangible object or product thereof. The 3D objects are provided to students for aesthetic purposes only, and are not intended for use as a functional tool or a functional part of a larger item. HCC Central Library & SLAC shall not be liable for any damages resulting from such non-aesthetic use. In submitting a job to be printed, a student warrants and represents that it owns, or has obtained, all rights necessary to allow HCC Central Library to provide the requested 3D printing services. Students shall be liable for any and all claims of intellectual property infringement that result from the 3D printing services provided hereunder. HCC Central Library & SLAC cannot guarantee model quality or stability, confidentiality of designs, or specific delivery times. HCC Central Library is not responsible for any damage, loss or security of data arising from the use of its computers or network, nor for the functionality or quality of content produced on the 3D printer.
Copyright law under Title 17 of the United States Code, patent law under Title 35 of the United States Code, and other intellectual property laws of the United States may govern the making of photocopies or other reproductions of content. Under 17 U.S.C. § 108(f)(2) the provision of unsupervised photocopy or reproducing equipment for use by patrons does not excuse the person who uses the reproduction equipment from liability for copyright infringement for any such act, or for any later use of such copy or phonorecord, if it exceeds fair use as provided by 17 U.S.C. § 107. Nor does it excuse the person who uses the reproducing equipment from liability for patent, tort or other laws.
This institution reserves the right to refuse to make available or provide access to photocopy or other reproducing equipment if, in its judgment, use of such equipment would involve violation of copyright, patent or other laws.
©2022 Houston Community College Libraries