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Criminal Justice: Featured Streaming Media

This is a research support guide for students, staff and faculty in our Criminal Justice programs.

abstract blue and black wave design

Tough Guise 2 episode icon

Tough Guise 2: Violence, Manhood & American Culture

Description: Tough Guise 2 stands to empower a new generation of young men -- and women -- to challenge the myth that being a real man means putting up a false front and engaging in violent and self-destructive behavior.

Episode 1

Episode 1.2 (Clean) version

Episode 1.3 (Abridged) version

A Nation of Drunkards

A Nation of Drunkards

Description: At 12:01 A.M. on January 17, 1920, the amendment goes into effect and Prohibitionists rejoice that at long last, America has become officially, and (they hope) irrevocably, dry. But just a few minutes later, six masked bandits with pistols empty two freight cars full of whiskey from a rail yard in Chicago, another gang steals four casks of grain alcohol from a government bonded warehouse, and still another hijacks a truck carrying whiskey.

Americans are about to discover that making Prohibition the law of the land has been one thing; enforcing it will be another.

Documentary 1h 34m

Middle of Nowhere cover

Middle of Nowhere by Ava DuVernay

Description: Written and directed by Ava DuVernay, who won the 2012 Sundance Film Festival Best Director Award for her work, MIDDLE OF NOWHERE chronicles a woman’s separation from her incarcerated husband and the journey to maintain her marriage and her identity amidst crisis and chaos. Winner of the 2013 Independent Spirit John Cassavetes Award.

Film 1h 41m

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