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Google vs Library: Google vs Library Home

Make Your Searches Effecive and Efficient Using the Right Tool

Google vs Library Quick Poll

Which online search do you use most often for college work?

Google vs Library Quick Poll
Google: 32 votes (62.75%)
HCC Library Catalog: 5 votes (9.8%)
Bing: 1 votes (1.96%)
HCC Library Website: 10 votes (19.61%)
DuckDuckGo: 3 votes (5.88%)
Total Votes: 51

More Powerful Than Google?

Yes, you are, even if you don't realize it.

To take advantage of this power, you only have to recognize that

  1. Google doesn't provide access to everything you need, and
  2. You already have access to much more than Google.
  3. The HCC Libraries provide information that you need for your HCC classes.

Eagle Library Search

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