By logging in to use a digital library resource, you agree to abide by the contracts and license agreements between Houston Community College and the vendor providing this resource. You are expected to make good faith efforts to comply with the usage privileges and restrictions outlined below. Failure to do so may result in penalties or even prosecution.
The use of digital library resources is restricted to current students, faculty, and staff of Houston Community College. Persons who are not currently enrolled or employed by HCC, or who do not have an HCC login, may use these resources within the libraries.
In using digital library resources, you agree to
While using digital library resources, you may
In addition, some vendors allow faculty and librarians to
You may not use digital library resources to
Vendors often monitor use to verify compliance with license agreements and contracts. Breach of license by a single user or group of users provides grounds for the vendor to restrict or remove access from HCC.
You are accountable for respecting these terms of use when accessing digital library resources.
©2022 Houston Community College Libraries