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LibChat Guide

Chat Status / Signing Out

Chat Status:

Online - status set to green, available to accept chats, receives notification of new chats, tickets, and internal chats

Offline - status set to red, cannot claim chats, will not be notified of new chats, tickets, or internal messages

Internal - will not be notified of new chats or tickets, but can be seen as available by other staff members, will be notified of internal chats

Set Away - status set to orange, cannot be assigned chats, but can still claim chats, and be notified of internal messages


Signing Out:

When you first log into chat, the default status will be set to "Online." If you want to change your status you can set yourself to away by checking the "Set Away" box and uncheck the box when you return. You can appear offline to all internal and external users by selecting the "Offline" status, you can appear online to only staff by selecting the "Internal" status, or you can toggle back to "Online" status.

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