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How Do I ...

Which One Is Right For You?  Devices

The HCC Libraries have limited devices available for checkout as it strives to meet the needs of students needing improved access to online courses and research.

Work onlineWork online or offlineHotspots are now available
Save online in Google, MS365Save online in Google, MS365
Save to USBSave to desktop or to USB
Use Microsoft Office onlineUse Microsoft Office online
Respondus Chrome ExtensionRespondus pre-loaded

Devices to Meet Accessibility Needs

Topaz Portable CCTVADA LaptopRuby 7 HD
Requires current Letter of Accommodation (LOA)Requires current Letter of Accommodation (LOA)No LOA required
Not a computerFully functional with accessible software packagesNot a computer
Enlarge type on paper or screenComplete your courseworkEnlarge views of print, screen, and life
Portable, but can be stationaryWork online or offlineHandheld and very portable

Downloading on a Chromebook

Troubleshooting 3D Printing

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