Eagle Library Search, or ELS, is a discovery tool used to comb through many of our databases simultaneously rather than individually. It does a good job of casting a wide net, but cannot capture every item we own or provide access. It's a great starting point, but we recommend that students also explore individual databases in their research journey. Students can always find the ELS box on the library's homepage.
Find overviews, news, and opinions on hundreds of today's important social issues. Viewpoint articles cover issues from many perspectives, beyond pro and con. Users can dive deeper with periodical content that covers current events, news and commentary, economics, environmental issues, political science, and more. Viewpoints are collected from the opinion sections of a variety of published sources, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The American Conservative, and National Review.
A suite of databases providing access to periodical articles, reference materials, pictures, government documents, and selected Internet sites, related to a wide range of topics. (Full-text) Learn to Use SIRS Issues Researcher
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