What is the Most Important Job of the HCC Librarians?
Click on your answer, or click on each of them for more information.
No, this is not the best answer. Librarians do check out books, but this is not as important as providing personal assistance to researchers as they need it.
No, this is not the best answer. We try to make sure the copy machines work--but the machines don't even belong to us. We provide them as a convenience for library users. Providing research assistance is much more important.
Yes, this is the best answer. Even when we are not helping students directly, we are often doing work that will make library research easier to do well.
No, although some librarians design web pages--such as this one--from time to time, it is not the main job librarians do. It is more important for us to help researchers (and sometimes a web page--such as this one--can do that, too).
No, this is not the best answer. Sometimes we like to throw parties and give out free food; but that is not anything like our most important job, which is providing research help.