Plagiarism is not about intent. It is strictly whether you copied information or otherwise incorrectly incorporated someone's ideas into your work, without correctly attributing the source. Simply using synonyms or omitting the occasional word is still plagiarism. Not including a properly-formatted Works Cited or References page that lists--and therefore, attributing sources--all the outside research you have used also constitutes plagiarism.
Although HCC has not made a formal ruling of whether ChatGPT and other AI programs are considered academic dishonesty, professors are allowed to prohibit use for their own courses. Be safe and avoid using any software that writes papers for you.
These handouts, links, and videos can help you understand what plagiarism is and how you can avoid it.
Our online tutors use a pink and green technique to help you spot plagiarism. If you see anything highlighted in these colors, it means the tutor either has found you have copied a source (almost) word for word, or there is a strong likelihood that you have plagiarized. You should review your essay for other instances of plagiarism.
You can find more links for APA, MLA, and Turabian / Chicago style guides in our Style Guides and Templates tab.
Do you need more information about grammar or punctuation? Visit our Grammar and Punctuation tab!
The websites we post are to help you, the student. If you encounter a link that is no longer active (for example, some sites change their addresses), please, contact the Upwsing LibGuide's administrator directly so she can replace it: To better serve you, be as precise as possible about the name of the link and where you found it. **To outside entities, no soliciting links or services from your business or organization. The purpose of our resource center is to help our students with their coursework. We do not help companies or organizations advertise their services.**
Here you will find our handouts about plagiarism. The links open Word docs to print out for your convenience.
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