You can also have students paint encouraging messages on rocks, but this is best done with rocks with flat surfaces. If you think you may want to do this activity as well as creating pet rocks, separate out the rocks with flat surfaces for messages and the rocks with more interesting shapes for the pet rocks.
Objective: Students will be able to paint. This is really the same event with the same goals – just painting different objects.
Why: Students exercise creative skills in this Make ‘N Take.
Terra Cotta pots or river rocks (depending on project), google eyes for pet rocks (optional), school or tacky glue to attached eyes, acrylic paints in various colors, paintbrushes, paper towels, plastic bowls for water, paper plates to hold the paint, tables, chairs, plastic table clothes, brown shipping/wrapping paper or other long rolls of paper to put underneath the tables, rolls of 2-3” tape, scissors for cutting tape and paper, packing tape dispenser (optional)
How To:
Set Up:
During the event:
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